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Q Light Controller Plus (QLC+)


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Logo based on bulb icon by Jojo Mendoza

QLC+ homepage:
QLC+ on GitHub:
Current version: 4.10.5

{{ #if: yes | Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: yes | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: yes | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}

QLC+ is a fork of the great QLC project written by Heikki Junnila. This project aims to continue the development of QLC and to introduce new features.
For the list of basic features, HW support, wiki and contributors please refer to QLC website

Differences from QLC

  • NEW: Multitrack Show editor for offline desk capabilities
  • NEW: Audio input/output support
  • NEW: Import/export fixtures list
  • NEW: Channels groups
  • NEW: Cue list crossfade
  • NEW: Fixtures remapping
  • NEW: ArtNet and E1.31 native input/output plugin
  • NEW: OSC input/output/feedback plugin
  • NEW: DMX4ALL StageProfi support
  • NEW: Dump DMX values into scenes/chasers
  • NEW: Quick access to 800+ gobos, color presets, RGB values
  • NEW: Speed dial input auto detection
  • NEW: Web access
  • NEW: MIDI Program Change and Beat clock
  • NEW: Virtual Console frames can be collapsed/expanded
  • FIX: MIDI feedbacks
  • FIX: XY pad input detection
  • Improved Simple Desk. Can control all the universes
  • new look & feel based on the Humanity icon theme


  • Fixture-oriented interface.
  • Unlimited DMX universes, 512 channels each
  • Fast changing and smoothly fading scenes and chasers
  • Easy creation of complex patterns for moving lights with EFX
  • Conjure/design your favourite lighting desk layout with the virtual consoleā„¢
  • Support for external fader devices such as the Behringer BCF-2000 or nanoKONTROL 2

Input/Output plugins map

Supported hardware Plugin name in GUI Type OS supported Notes
DMXking eDMX2 TX ArtNet Input/Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: yes | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
Enttec ODE ArtNet Input/Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: yes | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
DMX4ALL ArtNet-DMX STAGE-PROFI 1.1 ArtNet Input/Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: yes | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
ArtNet Software Nodes ArtNet Input/Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: yes | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }} Tested with ArtNet Controller LITE, Controlador ArtNet DMX (Lite), Modul8, MadMapper
E1.31 E1.31 Input/Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: yes | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }} Tested with eDMX2 TX
Enttec Open DMX USB DMX USB Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
Enttec DMX USB Pro DMX USB Input/Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: yes | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
Enttec DMX USB Pro Mk2 DMX USB Input/Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: yes | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
DMXking USB DMX512-A DMX USB Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
DMXKing UltraDMX DMX USB Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
DMXKing UltraDMX_Pro DMX USB Input/Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: yes | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
DMX4ALL StageProfi MK2 DMX USB Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
DMX4ALL Nano DMX DMX USB Output Free! }}{{ #if: | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
FTDI USBCOM 485+ DMX USB Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
Gus Electronics USB-VL344 DMX USB Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
Vince DMX512 USB DMX USB Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
ElectroTAS USB-DMX DMX USB Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
Eurolite USB-DMX512 DMX USB Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
Eurolite USB DMX512 Pro DMX USB Output Free! }}{{ #if: | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
Eurolite USB DMX512 Pro MK2 DMX USB Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
DMX4Linux DMX4Linux Output Free! }}{{ #if: | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
Enttec Playback Wing ENTTEC Wing Input Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
Enttec Shortcut Wing ENTTEC Wing Input Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
USB HID Joystick HID Input Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: yes | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
FX5 USB DMX HID Input/Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: yes | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
MIDI MIDI Input/Output/Feedback Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: yes | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
OLA OLA Output Free! }}{{ #if: | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
OSC OSC Input/Output/Feedback Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: yes | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }} Tested with TouchOSC
Rodin1 Peperoni Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
Anyma uDMX uDMX Output Free! }}{{ #if: | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: yes | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
BitWizard DMX interface UART Output Free! }}{{ #if: | Windows Support }}{{ #if: yes | Linux Support }}{{ #if: | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }}
Velleman K8062D Velleman Output Free! }}{{ #if: yes | Windows Support }}{{ #if: | Linux Support }}{{ #if: | Mac OS X Support }}{{ #if: yes | Sends DMX }}{{ #if: | Receives DMX }}{{ #if: | RDM Support }}{{ #if: | MIDI Support }}{{ #if: | HTTP Support }} Proprietary DLL needed


Fixture definitions are used to map generic functions of a fixture like intensity, pan, tilt etc. to the specific DMX channels and values.
You can create your own fixture definitions to suit your needs, but there are a number of ready-made definitions (801 at the moment) listed here!
QLC+ has a graphical "fixture creator" program.

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