The Open Lighting Project has moved!
We've launched our new site at This wiki will remain and be updated with more technical information.
We've launched our new site at This wiki will remain and be updated with more technical information.
Made by: Jands
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The Jands Vista T4 is Jands flagship lighting console. The T4 is a revolutionary timeline based console.
Control Panel
- Wacom 15" Pen-Tablet LCD (1024 x 768)
- 12 user configurable function buttons
- Keyboard and Track pad (extra pointing device)
- 2 sets Blue, Green, Yellow, Red modifier buttons (Left & Right hand)
- 2 Pen modifier buttons (Left & Right hand)
- Power and Help buttons
- 4 Wacom tablet control / configuration buttons
- Grand Master (rotary) fader and DBO button
- CD/RW — in armrest
Playback Controls
- 30 Playbacks, 20 with faders and flash buttons, 10 without
- Playbacks feature: Blue / White LCD, Select and Go buttons
- Split mode allows control of up to 40 Clips
- Playbacks can be configured for control of Groups, Presets and more
- Page Up / Down buttons
Super Playback Controls
- 2 Playbacks with dual faders and buttons
- Go, Pause, Back, Skip Forward, Skip Reverse, Skip to Start, Skip to End buttons
- Utilises LCD and Encoder wheels for display and real time control of playback and other advanced functions
Programming Controls
- 6 Encoder Wheels with associated Blue / White LCD
- Next / Previous buttons
- 24 context sensitive function buttons
Outputs and Connections
- Linear Time code input
- MIDI in/thru/out
- RS232 COM port
- 2 Desk lamp outlets
- Audio mic, line in and line out sockets
- Trigger input / output
The Vista runs Linux internally.