The Open Lighting Project has moved!
We've launched our new site at This wiki will remain and be updated with more technical information.
We've launched our new site at This wiki will remain and be updated with more technical information.
For Sale
The rules are simple - add items in the format:
Item - $price - contact email - d/m/y added
Description, be sure to mention the location.
Any unsold items will be removed after a month.
KSD250 Lamp (MSD 250) x 2 - $45 each - webspam <at> - 15/8/2009
2 KSD250 lamps, one of them has been used once to test a fixture, the other is brand new.
Link. Located in CA.
Gadget Gangster DMX IO Module x 2 - $35 - 15/11/2009
Transceiver, controlled by a microcontroller. Receive 5 channels (3v or 12v) or transmit as a master.
Project Page, you can order it online.