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Portfile for OLA


Revision as of 04:26, 23 June 2011 by Tobi (talk | contribs) (Added note about Porfile being committed to MacPorts collection)
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Written by Tobi Schäfer, June 2011.

Update: Portfile was committed to MacPorts collection on 21 June 2011. The following information is outdated and should only remain for historical reason.

# $Id$

PortSystem        1.0

name              ola
                  ## Latest version (0.8.9-1) currently not usable because of inconsistency in package/folder naming
version           0.8.9
categories        net comms
platforms         darwin
license           LGPL

description       An open framework for DMX lighting control
long_description  The Open Lighting Architecture (OLA) provides a plugin framework for distributing DMX512 control signals on Mac and Linux. It provides C++ and Python libraries which abstract away the underlying DMX over IP protocol or DMX interface.


checksums         md5      b67beea9e39bee4a33bf6f0eafabf17d \
                  sha1     abe2e876261f272223ee1eab902319615acac744 \
                  rmd160   95e926cbd376b0dfd625289f6af37455dd103f99

depends_lib       port:pkgconfig \
                  port:cppunit \
                  port:unittest-cpp \

## This currently does not work because the -arch flag is set twice and 
## the compiler runs into a problem with multiple architectures.
## Error message: g++-4.2: -E, -S, -save-temps and -M options are not allowed with multiple -arch flags
#variant i386 description {Build for 32 bit Intel architecture} {
#   configure.cppflags-delete  "-arch x86_64"
#   configure.ldflags-delete   "-arch x86_64"
#   configure.cppflags-append  "-arch i386"
#   configure.ldflags-append   "-arch i386"

variant http description {Build with embedded web server} {
   depends_lib-append port:libmicrohttpd

default_variants  +http

pre-configure {
   use_autoreconf          yes
   autoreconf.args         -i
   configure.args-append   --disable-http
   if {[variant_isset http]} {
      configure.args-delete   --disable-http

test {       yes    check