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OLA Buildbot


Revision as of 11:49, 28 April 2013 by Peternewman (talk | contribs) (Slave Configuration: Diagnosis)
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We run a Buildbot instance for OLA.

We're currently only building ola, but this could be extended to do other projects such as the QT GUI etc.

Master Configuration

The buildbot master configuration is stored in git at . It needs checking out, and symlinking to replace master.cfg in the buildbot master's config directory.

Slave passwords aren't stored in the git repo for security, you'll need to get Simon to add new ones.

N.B. If the git repository is ever moved or changed, ensure the master's gitpoller-workdir folder is emptied out, or the poller won't work properly.

Slave Configuration

Documentation is at

For our buildbot, slaves need to connect to

On Debian/Ubuntu, based on, do the following: Install buildbot slave:

sudo apt-get install buildbot-slave

Create the slave:

sudo -u buildbot buildslave create-slave --usepty=0 /var/lib/buildbot/slaves/<slave name> <slave user> <slave password>

Update the slave info, edit the files in /var/lib/buildbot/slaves/<slave name>/info to be relevant to you.

Add config for the slave into /etc/default/buildslave, e.g.:

SLAVE_ENABLED[1]=1                    # 1-enabled, 0-disabled
SLAVE_NAME[1]="ola-pi-armv6l-noopenslp-1"         # short name printed on start/stop
SLAVE_USER[1]="buildbot"              # user to run slave as
SLAVE_BASEDIR[1]="/var/lib/buildbot/slaves/<slave name>"                   # basedir to slave (absolute path)
SLAVE_OPTIONS[1]=""                   # buildbot options
SLAVE_PREFIXCMD[1]=""                 # prefix command, i.e. nice, linux32, dchroot

Start the slave

sudo /etc/init.d/buildslave start

Check the log if there are any issues, or confirm the slave is registered at

tail -f /var/lib/buildbot/slaves/<slave name>/twistd.log