We've launched our new site at www.openlighting.org. This wiki will remain and be updated with more technical information.
OLA Buildbot
From wiki.openlighting.org
We run a Buildbot instance for OLA.
- Web UI: http://buildbot.openlighting.org
- IRC: OLA-buildbot-ch in #openlighting-build on irc.freenode.org
We're currently only building ola, but this could be extended to do other projects such as the QT GUI etc.
[hide]Master Configuration
The buildbot master configuration is stored in git at https://github.com/OpenLightingProject/buildbot . It needs checking out, and symlinking to replace master.cfg in the buildbot master's config directory.
N.B. If the main open-lighting git repository (as opposed to buildbot config) is ever moved or changed, ensure the master's gitpoller-workdir folder is emptied out, or the poller won't work properly.
Adding a Slave
Buildbot documentation is at http://docs.buildbot.net/current/manual/installation.html#creating-a-buildslave . The steps below should cover everything you need though.
Prerequisites & Warning
Slaves execute code directly from the git repo. Even though submits to the git repo are locked down, this is still a possible attack vector for your machine. For this reason it's best to run build slaves within a virtual machine. TODO: link to some VM solutions.
At the very least you should run the buildslave as a separate user (not root!). Slave passwords aren't stored in the git repo for security, you'll need to get Simon or Peter to add new ones.
The buildbot performs full build & test runs with all the options enabled. Please make sure you have all the necessary libraries installed on your system. You need to be able to complete a
autoconf -i ./configure --enable-e133 --enable-rdm-tests --enable-python-libs --enable-ja-rule make make check
cycle before proceeding. If you have trouble ask on the mailing list.
If you're running the lint check, you need cpplint.py in your path somewhere, see README.developer for info on how to obtain it.
Buildbot slaves need to connect to buildmaster.openlighting.org:9989 . Make sure your firewall allows this. No port forwarding for inbound connections is required.
Debian / Ubuntu Instructions
This requires wheezy or later. For squeeze you can use the easy_install method below.
Build Slave Installation
sudo apt-get install buildbot-slave
Slave Configuration
Create the slave (the package creates the buildbot user automatically for you):
sudo -u buildbot buildslave create-slave --usepty=0 /var/lib/buildbot/slaves/ola buildmaster.openlighting.org:9989 <slave user> <slave password>
Update the slave info, edit the files in /var/lib/buildbot/slaves/ola/info to be relevant to you.
Add config for the slave into /etc/default/buildslave (you'll need to increase the array id if you've got more than one slave on the same host), e.g.:
SLAVE_ENABLED[1]=1 # 1-enabled, 0-disabled SLAVE_NAME[1]="ola" # short name printed on start/stop SLAVE_USER[1]="buildbot" # user to run slave as SLAVE_BASEDIR[1]="/var/lib/buildbot/slaves/ola" # basedir to slave (absolute path) SLAVE_OPTIONS[1]="" # buildbot options SLAVE_PREFIXCMD[1]="" # prefix command, i.e. nice, linux32, dchroot
Start the slave
sudo /etc/init.d/buildslave start
Check the log if there are any issues, or confirm the slave is registered at http://buildbot.openlighting.org/buildslaves:
tail -f /var/lib/buildbot/slaves/ola/twistd.log
FreeBSD Instructions
This was tested on FreeBSD 10.
Build Slave Installation
As root:
pkg install buildbot-slave
Slave Configuration
Setup a new user:
su - adduser
Username: ola-build-slave Use password-based authentication? No
Setup the slave:
Switch to the slave user, I did:
su - #To root su - ola-build-slave #To slave user cd ~
Export the variables needed for configure on FreeBSD:
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include/" export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib/"
Setup the slave itself:
/usr/local/bin/buildslave create-slave ola-slave buildmaster.openlighting.org:9989 <slave user> <slave password>
Edit ola-slave/info/admin and ola-slave/info/host so your slave shows up correctly.
Then start the slave:
/usr/local/bin/buildslave start ola-slave
You can look at the logs by running
tail -f ola-slave/twistd.log
At this point you can go to http://buildbot.openlighting.org/buildslaves and you should see your slave connected. It's probably worth asking someone to kick off a build at this point so we can check your slave is working.
Finally, if everything looks good, configure your slave to launch on startup by editing the crontab for the ola-build-slave user (crontab -e). Add the following line:
@reboot /usr/local/bin/buildslave start /home/ola-build-slave/ola-slave
NetBSD Instructions
This was tested on NetBSD 6.
Build Slave Installation
As root:
pkgin install py27-buildbot-slave
Slave Configuration
Setup a new user:
su - useradd -m ola-build-slave
Use password-based authentication? No
Setup the slave:
Switch to the slave user:
su - ola-build-slave cd ~
Export the variables needed for git and configure on NetBSD (add these to the .shrc or equivalent for next time):
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/pkg/include/" export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/pkg/lib/" export GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true
Setup the slave itself:
/usr/pkg/bin/buildslave create-slave ola-slave buildmaster.openlighting.org:9989 <slave user> <slave password>
Edit ola-slave/info/admin and ola-slave/info/host so your slave shows up correctly.
Then start the slave:
/usr/pkg/bin/buildslave start ola-slave
You can look at the logs by running
tail -f ola-slave/twistd.log
At this point you can go to http://buildbot.openlighting.org/buildslaves and you should see your slave connected. It's probably worth asking someone to kick off a build at this point so we can check your slave is working.
Finally, if everything looks good, configure your slave to launch on startup by editing the crontab for the ola-build-slave user (crontab -e). Add the following line:
@reboot /usr/pkg/bin/buildslave start /home/ola-build-slave/ola-slave
OpenBSD Instructions
This was tested on OpenBSD 5.4.
Build Slave Installation
As root:
pkg_add py-buildslave
Slave Configuration
Setup a new user:
su - useradd -m ola-build-slave
Setup the slave:
Switch to the slave user:
su - ola-build-slave cd ~
Export the variables needed for autoconf and configure on OpenBSD (add these to the .profile or equivalent for next time):
export AUTOCONF_VERSION=2.69 export AUTOMAKE_VERSION=1.13 export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include/" export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib/"
Setup the slave itself:
/usr/local/bin/buildslave create-slave ola-slave buildmaster.openlighting.org:9989 <slave user> <slave password>
Edit ola-slave/info/admin and ola-slave/info/host so your slave shows up correctly.
Then start the slave:
/usr/local/bin/buildslave start ola-slave
You can look at the logs by running
tail -f ola-slave/twistd.log
At this point you can go to http://buildbot.openlighting.org/buildslaves and you should see your slave connected. It's probably worth asking someone to kick off a build at this point so we can check your slave is working.
Finally, if everything looks good, configure your slave to launch on startup by editing the crontab for the ola-build-slave user (crontab -e). Add the following line:
@reboot /usr/local/bin/buildslave start /home/ola-build-slave/ola-slave
Other Platforms
Build Slave Installation
The easiest way to get started is by using easy_install. You need to have the Python headers available, so on Debian / Ubuntu run:
sudo apt-get install python-dev
Then install buildbot-slave:
easy_install buildbot-slave
Slave Configuration
Setup a new user:
sudo -s adduser ola-build-slave # use a temp password for now vi /etc/shadow # delete the password entry
Setup the slave:
su ola-build-slave cd ~ buildslave create-slave ola-slave buildmaster.openlighting.org:9989 <slave user> <slave password>
Edit ola-slave/info/admin and ola-slave/info/host so your slave shows up correctly.
Then start the slave:
buildslave start ola-slave
You can look at the logs by running
tail -f ola-slave/twistd.log
At this point you can go to http://buildbot.openlighting.org/buildslaves and you should see your slave connected. It's probably worth asking someone to kick off a build at this point so we can check your slave is working.
Finally, if everything looks good, configure your slave to launch on startup by editing the crontab for the ola-build-slave user (crontab -e). Add the following line:
@reboot buildbot start /home/ola-build-slave/ola-slave
Enabling the C++ Lint Checker
The lint checker enforces C++ style. We only run this once per change but it's good to have multiple lint-enabled hosts in case one is down.
Download the cpplint checker and put it in /usr/local/bin
wget http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cpplint/cpplint.py sudo cp cpplint.py /usr/local/bin sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/cpplint.py
Finally let Simon or Peter know, or raise an issue, asking them to enable C++ lint for your slave.
Enabling the Javascript Lint Checker
The lint checker enforces Javascript style. We only run this once per change but it's good to have multiple lint-enabled hosts in case one is down.
- Install the closure-linter deb package if it's present on your OS
- Install the gjslint checker by following the relevant instructions here (you man need to install python-setuptools to get easy_install on Debian/Ubuntu) https://developers.google.com/closure/utilities/docs/linter_howto
Finally let Simon or Peter know, or raise an issue, asking them to enable Javascript lint for your slave.
Enabling the heap checker
First we need libunwind:
sudo apt-get install libunwind8-dev
Then download the latest gperftools from https://code.google.com/p/gperftools/downloads/list .
wget .... tar -zxf gperftools-2.1.tar.gz cd gperftools-2.1 ./configure make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
Finally let Simon or Peter know, or raise an issue, asking them to enable the heap checker for your slave.