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OLA Install Using MacPorts


Revision as of 18:44, 19 September 2012 by Nomis52 (talk | contribs)
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Installing OLA using MacPorts is very easy. It can take a while the first time because you'll need to download XCode & the OLA dependancies.

  • Install Xcode . Xcode comes in two versions: XCode 4 which you need to pay for and XCode 3 which is free. XCode 3 works just fine.
  • Install MacPorts, follow the instructions on the site.
  • Install OLA and all the dependancies by running
sudo port install ola


There are different features that can be turned on or off. In the MacPorts world these are known as variants. The default is to enable all of the commonly used features so you shouldn't need to change this. You can see what variants are available for ola by running

port variants ola

For 0.8.18 this is what you get:

[+]http: Build with embedded web server
[+]libusb: Build with libusb support
   python26: Enable the Python 2.6 API
     * conflicts with python27
[+]python27: Enable the Python 2.7 API
     * conflicts with python26
   universal: Build for multiple architectures

The + sign means the variant is enabled. In this instance the ola port will be built with support for the web interface, libusb support and the Python 2.7 client libraries.


You can subscribe to the Open Lighting Announce list to be notified of new releases. To update simply run:

sudo port selfupdate
sudo port upgrade outdated